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The Bent Elbow Shop Story

My sister Candice and I started toying with the idea of The Bent Elbow in January of 2015 after we had both given brith to our sons (my first baby, her second). We love to bake and started making lactation cookies for ourselves. After testing different recipes, and combining the best ingredients from each one, we came up with our signature Bent Elbow cookie. Then we started sharing them with our breastfeeding friends, and without fail, each friend would text us, "OMG, my milk is flowing! So exciting!" And that's when it clicked, we needed to make these cookies available to all breastfeeding moms, and in April of 2015 we made that possible by lauching The Bent Elbow Shop!

We are so thrilled to make our dream a reality, and can't wait for you to try our lactation cookies!

Here we are from left to right with the original Mermaid Mama, our Mom Lori, Me, my older sister Candice & our babies, Duke, Fletcher & Pepper.


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