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The BIG Latch On 2015

Our first National Breastfeeding Week really started with a bang... and a whole lotta baking! Leading up to August 1st, we were busy packaging over 300 lactation cookies we donated to Mermaid Mamas all over the country (and even some overseas to US Air Force Mamas) who were participating in The Big Latch On 2015!

We had our ovens going 24/7 in preparation for this amazing day! The Big Latch On is a global event where groups of amazing and dedicated Mamas get together at registered locations and breastfeed together at a designated time.

On Saturday we attended our very first Big Latch On in Anaheim, CA put together by Layla & Lisette a fabuous boutique for babies and their Mamas!

My Mom came to help since Candice, my sister and co-owner couldn't make it. So great to have special mother/daughter time though! My Mom breastfed me in the 80's when it wasnt as popular, very happy and proud she did! She only has great memories of the bond we shared because of it!

I got to meet Leah, an awesome Mermaid Mama who was rocking our tank w/her baby Sawyer!

Apryl from Raising Blossoms got herself a new tank! Her beautiful baby girl Rosalyn was so sweet, snug as a bug in her Sakura Bloom sling.

We donated two Mix gift certificated to the raffle and Christina won them, then got herself a new tank to go with them!

Friends who breastfeed together, stay together!

Mermaids eat lactation cookies!

Needless to say, we ended the day with full and happy hearts! We felt extremely fortunate to be a part of such an amazing community of women who joined forces to promote breastfeeding. We can't wait to participate in our next Big Latch On, and hey, maybe well even host our own!



p.s. - we love the goals of The Big Latch On! To learn more about the organization, visit

  • Support for communities to identify and grow opportunities to provide ongoing breastfeeding support and promotion.

  • Raise awareness of breastfeeding support and knowledge available in communities.

  • Help communities positively support breastfeeding in public places.

  • Make breastfeeding a normal part of the day-to-day life at a local community level.

  • Increase support for women who breastfeed - women are supported by their partners, family and the breastfeeding knowledge that is embedded in their communities.

  • Communities have the resources to advocate for coordinated appropriate and accessible breastfeeding support services.

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